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Extensible Markup Language
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<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
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<script>-- Scripts ©1990 Safire Software, Inc., except as indicated.-- Portions of script ©1990 Apple Computer, Inc.-- Portions of script ©1990 Randal Jones-- This stack may not be modified without permission of-- Safire Software, Inc., 666 Greenwich Street, Suite 910-- New York, NY 10014 212-242-6604-- Please report all bugs to AppleLink:SAFIRE, or to the-- address listed above.-- For more information about the making of this stack, please see-- the credits screen, by clicking "Credits" on the "Disclaimer" screen.on doLevelpop card into itif it contains ":Home" & quote thenbeepget name of cd "Main"end ifset cursor to "watch"lock screengo itunlock screen with visual iris closeend doLevelfunction BtnToPict aRect-- translates a button rect into rect of a window with a color PICTadd 1 to item 1 of aRectadd 1 to item 2 of aRectsubtract 2 from item 3 of aRectsubtract 2 from item 4 of aRectRETURN aRectend BtnToPicton doMenu whatglobal SafNav,PalPos,RPStackNameif what ≠ "compact stack" thenif what is in "Home,Quit HyperCard" and RPStackName is not "" then--// Added by Medior, Inc. 12/17/90set cursor to watchput RPStackName into shortnamerepeat until offset(":",shortname) = 0delete char 1 to offset(":",shortname) of shortnameend repeatdelete last char of shortnameanswer "This will return to "&shortname&"." with "Cancel" or "OK"if it is "Cancel" then exit domenuset cursor to watchlock screengo RPStackNameunlock screen with dissolveexit domenuelse pass doMenuelseif SafNav is in the windowsthenclose window SafNav -- ∆doMenu "compact stack"palette SafNav,PalPosglobal RPStackNameelse pass doMenuend ifend doMenuon idleglobal SafNav,PalPosif SafNav is in the windowsthenif not visible of window SafNav then show window SafNavset hilitedButton of window SafNav to 0else if NOT ("return2" is in the windows) then Palette SafNav,PalPosend idleon moveWindowglobal BotBar,TopBar,SafNav,PalPosif there is a window Topbarthenput "69,0" into topBarLocput "69,463" into botBarLocget loc of window Topbarif it is not topBarLoc thenset loc of window Topbar to topBarLocset loc of window Botbar to botBarLocif there is a window SafNav then Palette SafNav,PalPosend ifend ifend moveWindowOn openstack-- David: do a searchscript to find the doMenus.-- and check out the first 2 IF/THEN statements here:global theLowMemQuitput the heapSpace into hpSpaceif the rect of the cd window is "0,0,512,342" OR ¬ -- low mem so opened smallhpSpace ≤ 215000 -- less than a 1000K partitionthenput TRUE into theLowMemQuitanswer "Not enough memory to use this stack. Sorry."¬with "Quit","Home","Back"set lockMessages to trueset lockRecent to trueif it is "Quit" then put "Quit HyperCard" into itdoMenu itexit openStackend ifput the screenRect into scrRectif item 3 of scrRect < 640 OR item 4 of scrRect < 480 THENanswer "You need at least a 640x480 pixel monitor for this stack. Sorry."doMenu "Quit HyperCard"end ifput FALSE into theLowMemQuitglobal TopBar,BotBar,SafNav,PalPos,Safs,showPalglobal rebuilding,rebuild,floppyglobal CVsaveSearch,CVmethod,lastletter,keyput whole into CVmethodput empty into keyput "A" into lastLetterif not the cantModify of this stack thenset the loc of cd btn id 86 of cd id 5229 to "77,192" -- hiliterput (fld id 11 of cd id 4516) into cd fld id 113 of cd id 5229 -- lst-- put "whole" into CVmethod-- put "" & "∆1∆" into CVsaveSearch-- put "" & "∆2∆" after CVsaveSearch-- put "" & "∆3∆" after CVsaveSearch-- put "" & "∆4∆" after CVsaveSearch-- put (fld "key" of cd id 4516) & "∆5∆" after CVsaveSearch-- end ifend ifput TRUE into showPal -- whether keep palette open during idle-- checking for color-- it would be safer to get sysenv() and check for errorsif item 1 of line 2 of sysenv() ≠ 1 then put true into theEnvelse put false into theEnvif floppy is emptythen put hilite of btn ID 25 of cd "Maintenance" into floppySetMenusSET THE TEXTARROWS TO TRUE-- this resets loc of cd window, no matter what-- get the screenRect-- put (third item of it - 640) div 2 into x-- put (fourth item of it - 480) div 2 into y-- set the rect of the card window to x,y,x+640,y+480--if top of the card window > 20 then show menuBar else hide menuBarhide menuBarif there is a window TopBar then close window TopBarif there is a window BotBar then close window BotBarif there is a window SafNav then close window SafNavif not theEnv thenput "579,75" into PalPos ---••?????put empty into TopBarput empty into BotBarput "Sbw" into SafNavelseput "579,75" into PalPos --576,57 desiredput "69,0" into topBarLocput "69,463" into botBarLocput "bar1top" into TopBarPicture TopBar,resource,rect,false,0set the loc of window TopBar to topBarLocput "bar1bot" into BotBarPicture BotBar,resource,rect,false,0set the loc of window BotBar to botBarLocput "S3" into SafNav-- countdown--idle 1show window TopBarshow window BotBarPicture beginblue,resource,rect,false,0Picture stopblue,resource,rect,false,0set the rect of window "beginblue" to ¬BtnToPict(the rect of cd btn "begin" of cd "CVSearch")set the rect of window "stopblue" to ¬BtnToPict(the rect of cd btn "stop" of cd "CVSearch")end ifput FALSE into rebuildingput TRUE into rebuildcheckForMissingFontsend Openstackon SetMenus xif x is empty then put not hilite of btn ID 24 of cd "Maintenance" into xif (enabled of menu "File") is not x thenput "File,Edit,Go,Tools,Objects,Font,Style,Paint,Options,Patterns" into listset enabled of menu "File" to xset enabled of menu "Edit" to xset enabled of menu "Go" to xset enabled of menu "Tools" to xset enabled of menu "Objects" to xset enabled of menu "Font" to xset enabled of menu "Style" to xset enabled of menu "Paint" to xset enabled of menu "Options" to xset enabled of menu "Patterns" to xend ifend SetMenuson closeStackglobal rebuilding,rebuild,floppy,coNameglobal SafNav,TopBar,BotBar,Safs,PalPos,showPal,S3Globalglobal lastLetter,lastTextString,lastKeyString,printOKglobal CVsaveSearch,CVmethod,key,Range,CurrentPosglobal theLowMemQuitif theLowMemQuit then exit closeStackif there is a window SafNav then close window SafNavif NOT the cantmodify of this stack thenlock screenpush cdset lockMessages to truego cd "cvsearch"click at the loc of cd btn "full text"click at the loc of cd btn "matches"click at the loc of cd btn "keyword"put empty into cd fld "words"--of cd "cvSearch"put empty into cd fld "found"--of cd "cvSearch"put empty into cd fld "hitCount"--of cd "cvSearch"put empty into cd fld "booleanString"--of cd "CVsearch"pop cdunlock screenend ifSetMenus TRUECloseWindows-- -- time to empty globals ••• ;-(put "rebuilding,rebuild,floppy,coName,"¬& "SafNav,TopBar,BotBar,Safs,PalPos,showPal,S3Global,theLowMemQuit,"¬& "lastLetter,lastTextString,lastKeyString,printOK,CVsaveSearch,CVmethod,key,Range,CurrentPos" into listrepeat with i = 1 to the number of items in listget "put empty into" && item i of listdo itend repeatend closeStackon CloseWindowsglobal TopBar,BotBarif there is a window TopBar then close window TopBarif there is a window BotBar then close window BotBarif there is a window "start" then close window "start"if there is a window "stop" then close window "stop"end CloseWindowson SWglobal TopBar,BotBarif TopBar is not empty and BotBar is not emptythenif there is a window TopBar then show window TopBarif there is a window BotBar then show window BotBarend ifend SWon HWglobal TopBar,BotBar,SafNavif there is a window SafNav then hide window SafNavif there is a window BotBar then hide window BotBarif there is a window TopBar then hide window TopBarend HWfunction stripPath path-- given the full path, returns the pathNameget length(path)repeat with i = it down to 1if char i of path ≠ ":"then delete char i of pathelse return char 1 to i of pathend repeatend stripPathon doNextlock screen--visual wipe leftif the short name of this bg is "Description" thenglobal hitAList,sepif hitAList is empty then go next cd of this bg elseget number of lines of hitAListif it=1 then beepelseset cursor to "watch"put sep mod it + 1 into sepget line sep of hitAListGoLat itend ifend ifelseset cursor to "watch"go next cd of this bg -- ••• MS changeend ifunlock screen with visual wipe leftend doNexton doPreviousglobal hitAList,seplock screenif the short name of this bg is "Description" thenif hitAList is empty then go prev cd of this bg elseget number of lines of hitAListif it=1 then beepelseset cursor to "watch"put sep-1 into sepif sep=0 then put it into sepget line sep of hitAListGoLat itend ifend ifelseset cursor to "watch"go prev cd of this bg -- ••• MS changeend ifunlock screen with visual wipe rightend doPreviousfunction By xrepeat with i=2 to number of items of xif first word of item i of x = "by" then return iend repeatend Byon GoLat tif t contains ", by" thenget By(t)get second word of item it to 9 of t ¬&& item 1 to it-1 of telseglobal coNameget first word of coName && tend ifget char 1 to 29 of itif the optionKey is downthen put short name of this bg into belse put "Description" into bif there is a cd it of bg bthen go cd it of bg belse answer "Sorry, that card seems to be missing!"end GoLaton doRestartif short name of this cd is "Main" then beepelseset cursor to "watch"visual iris closego cd "Main"end ifend doRestarton doFindget short name of this cdset cursor to "watch"lock screenpush cdgo cd "CVsearch"unlock screen with visual zoom out slowend doFindon doHomevisual effect iris close--doMenu "quit hypercard"type "q" with cmdKeyend doHomeon doHelphelpBtn "start"end doHelpon keyDown xif (not the visible of msg) and (charToNum(x)=27) then doLevel -- esc char pops up à la PCelse pass keyDownend keyDownon NewProd K,Pset cursor to watchlock screenset lockMessages to TRUEgo bg "Description"doMenu "copy card"go lastdoMenu "Paste Card"put K into fld "CoName"PUT CHAR 1 TO 29 OF (FIRST WORD OF K && P) INTO Kset name of this cd to Kset the cantdelete of this cd to falseset the dontsearch of this cd to falseput P into fld "ProdName"go cd (number of cds)unlock screenend NewProdon BuildScr oif o is empty then put 1 into oput fld "Index" into mput textHeight of fld "Index" into thput 0 into sput 65 into aget number of lines of mput max((it-20)*th,0) into maxScrrepeat with i=1 to itset cursor to busyif char o of line i of m = "A" then exit repeatend repeatrepeat with i=i to itset cursor to busyget charToNum(char o of line i of m)if it ≥ 97 thensubtract 32 from itif it ≥ 91 then put 91 into itend ifif it ≥ a thenrepeat it - a + 1set cursor to busyput return & min(maxScr,(i-1) * th) after send repeatput it+1 into aif it=91 then exit repeatend ifend repeatrepeat 28 - number of lines of sset cursor to busyput return & last line of s after send repeatput s into fld "Scr"end BuildScr-- •• Please change as required •• ---- send the palette to its home position (so help can find it)-- return the approximate center of (in local coordinates)-- of the button that starts the help system.-- The help target under this point will activate a bubble that-- explains the use of the help system and provides an introduction-- to the current card. This same target is clicked again to close-- help.-- Called from openStack, helpBtn and any other handler that reset palette--function helpPaletteLocglobal SafNavget "579,75"Palette SafNav,itadd 15 to item 1 of itadd 15 to item 2 of itRETURN itend helpPaletteLoc------ handy testing tools--on pgmrget "editHelp 0.9"push cardif "editHelp 0.9" is NOT in the windowsthen go to stack it in a new window -- patch b39 bugstart using stack itpop cardset the userLevel to 5end pgmron userset the userLevel to 2stop using stack "editHelp 0.9"end user---- msg from palette--on doHelphelpBtn "start"end doHelp---- Return true if the help button shows that help is active.-- If the input argument is not empty then set the help button to-- look active (openFlag=true) or inactive (openFlag=false).-- Called from helpBtn and sent from editHelp card.--on openHelpIcon openFlagglobal palStartLoc, SafNav-- palStartLoc saves loc of pal when opened help, in case moved.if openFlag=emptythen RETURN (the hilitedButton of window SafNav) = 1if openFlag thenget 1 -- 2 for old paletteset the cursor to noneput the loc of window SafNav into palStartLocelseget 0set the loc of window SafNav to palStartLocend ifset hilitedButton of window SafNav to itRETURN openFlagend openHelpIcon---- HyperCard Bubble Help -- RUNTIME version-- © Copyright 1990 by Randal Jones-- Version 0.9b3; Aug 3, 1990---- Sent from help button.-- cmd="start" or "stop" or empty (which toggles-- the current state of the help button)--on helpBtn cmdglobal helpList,helpSyms,SafNav--pass cmd to editHelp if available and in pgmr modeif the userLevel = 5 thenif ":editHelp 0.9" & return is in the stacksInUse & return thenPASS helpBtnend ifend ifset the cursor to noneif cmd=empty thensend "openHelpIcon" to this cdif the result ≠ true then put "start" into cmdend ifif cmd="start" then--opensend "openHelpIcon true" to this cd--loadif the short id of this cd ≠ 5229then put "get script of fld HelpListFld" into HelpListDataelse put "get script of cd fld body" into HelpListDatado HelpListDataput xEval(HelpListFld) & return & line 2 to 999 of it into helpListif helpList=empty thenanswer "Sorry, no help available for this card" with "OK"exit helpBtnelse--runhide msgput helpPaletteLoc() into pt -- loc of help btn on paletteget runBubbleHelp("helpList",pt,-1,helpSyms)-- global touchScreen-- if touchScreen=empty -- read the button only once, when needed-- then put the hilite of cd btn ID 21 of cd "Preferences" into touchScreen-- if touchScreen-- then get runBubbleHelp("helpList",pt,-1,helpSyms)-- else get clickModeBubbleHelp("helpList",pt,-1,helpSyms)if item 4 of it = truethen wait while the mouseClick --eat clicks over help btnend ifend if--endset the cursor to nonesend "openHelpIcon false" to this cdput empty into helpListend helpBtn---- Call back from externals to show programming and memory errors.-- Users should never see a dialog from this handler.--function testXError xName,continif the userLevel = 5 thenglobal gXError,gOldXErrors,gErrCnt,gErrKill-- If too many lines build up, show them in a looprepeat while (number of lines in gXError) > 3put line 1 to 3 of gXError into partialanswer XName & " says:" & return & partial with "more..."put partial after gOldErrorsdelete line 1 to 3 of gXErrorend repeatif (contin=true)then answer XName & " says:" & return & gXError with "Cancel" or "Continue"else answer XName & " says:" & return & gXError with "Cancel"put gXError & return after gOldXErrorsput empty into gXErrorif it="Continue" then RETURN true -- continue within externalif gErrKill=true then RETURN empty -- exit external and abort hyperTalkend ifRETURN false -- exit external but continue hyperTalkend testXError--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--•--function pathNameget the long name of this stackdelete char 1 to 7 of itrepeat until last char of it is ":"delete last char of itend repeatRETURN ITend pathNameon mu xmouseUp xend mufunction checkHCFont theFont,pointSizes-- Requires XFCN: FontExists-- returns a list of font sizes needed but not in the systemput empty into missing-- steps through each point size passed inrepeat with count = 1 to the number of items in pointSizesput item count of pointSizes into theCurrentPtSizeif not FontExists(theFont,theCurrentPtSize) -- if can't find itthen put theCurrentPtSize into last item of missingend repeatif missing is not empty thenput theFont & space before missingput return after missingend ifreturn missingend checkHCFonton checkForMissingFonts-- Requires handler: checkHCFont-- check to see if the fonts needed for the stacks are-- installed in the system. Inform the user if they're not.get checkHCFont("Geneva","10,9") & ¬checkHCFont("Times","12,14,18") -- these are fonts needed by this stackif it is empty then exit checkForMissingFontselse put it into missingFontsbeep 1-- ∆ this dialog informs the user which fonts are missinganswer "These font(s) are missing from your system:" & ¬return & return & missingFonts & return & ¬"For text to display correctly in the stacks, make sure you have" ¬&& "installed the fonts included with HyperCard."end checkForMissingFonts</script>
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<card id="118287" file="card_118287.xml" marked="false" name="Ashton-Tate Full Impact 2.0" owner="5047" />
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<card id="23273" file="card_23273.xml" marked="false" name="Intel GNU/960 C Tools for MPW" owner="5047" />
<card id="24331" file="card_24331.xml" marked="false" name="Gold GoldWorks II" owner="5047" />
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<card id="163677" file="card_163677.xml" marked="false" name="ICOM Hyper TMON" owner="5047" />
<card id="170321" file="card_170321.xml" marked="false" name="Zone1, Hyper-XCall" owner="5047" />
<card id="326813" file="card_326813.xml" marked="false" name="Sybase, Hyper/DB-Library‚Ñ¢ " owner="5047" />
<card id="306990" file="card_306990.xml" marked="false" name="National Hyper488‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="312627" file="card_312627.xml" marked="false" name="Remote HyperADC-1" owner="5047" />
<card id="330349" file="card_330349.xml" marked="false" name="Teknosys, HyperBASIC‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="161044" file="card_161044.xml" marked="false" name="Apple HyperCard 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="204363" file="card_204363.xml" marked="false" name="Newmedia, HyperChart" owner="5047" />
<card id="279792" file="card_279792.xml" marked="false" name="GAVA HyperCom‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="246718" file="card_246718.xml" marked="true" name="Addison-Wesley HyperComposer‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="351316" file="card_351316.xml" marked="true" name="Symmetry HyperDA II" owner="5047" />
<card id="188053" file="card_188053.xml" marked="false" name="Symmetry HyperEngine" owner="5047" />
<card id="255511" file="card_255511.xml" marked="false" name="Boojum HyperExternals Pro" owner="5047" />
<card id="267447" file="card_267447.xml" marked="false" name="Eastgate Hypergate‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="256533" file="card_256533.xml" marked="false" name="Boojum HyperGraph" owner="5047" />
<card id="315054" file="card_315054.xml" marked="false" name="SoftStream HyperHIT 3.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="316000" file="card_316000.xml" marked="false" name="SoftStream HyperHIT-N‚Ñ¢ " owner="5047" />
<card id="317049" file="card_317049.xml" marked="false" name="SoftStream HyperHIT-R‚Ñ¢ " owner="5047" />
<card id="293723" file="card_293723.xml" marked="false" name="KnowledgeSet HyperKRS + Hyper" owner="5047" />
<card id="307994" file="card_307994.xml" marked="false" name="National HyperLab‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="248651" file="card_248651.xml" marked="false" name="BIOPAC HyperPacq" owner="5047" />
<card id="271826" file="card_271826.xml" marked="false" name="EXIN HyperPage®" owner="5047" />
<card id="258913" file="card_258913.xml" marked="false" name="Concentrix HyperPort‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
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<card id="331758" file="card_331758.xml" marked="true" name="Trendware HyperTools® #1" owner="5047" />
<card id="332939" file="card_332939.xml" marked="true" name="Trendware HyperTools® #2" owner="5047" />
<card id="165002" file="card_165002.xml" marked="false" name="Hyperworks Hyperworks Tools" owner="5047" />
<card id="305007" file="card_305007.xml" marked="false" name="Millennium HyperX‚Ñ¢ 4.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="222987" file="card_222987.xml" marked="false" name="Automated I-CAT " owner="5047" />
<card id="286053" file="card_286053.xml" marked="false" name="Hyperpress Icon Factory" owner="5047" />
<card id="87335" file="card_87335.xml" marked="false" name="Iconix Iconix PowerTools" owner="5047" />
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<card id="241574" file="card_241574.xml" marked="false" name="Nine Index‚Ñ¢ 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="119611" file="card_119611.xml" marked="false" name="Cambridge INIThound 1.1" owner="5047" />
<card id="97144" file="card_97144.xml" marked="false" name="InnoSys InnoSys Airline Termi" owner="5047" />
<card id="88621" file="card_88621.xml" marked="false" name="Shana Inside Out" owner="5047" />
<card id="32608" file="card_32608.xml" marked="false" name="Human Instant-Expert 2.0" owner="5047" />
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<card id="288154" file="card_288154.xml" marked="false" name="Hyperpress INTELLIGENT DEVELO" owner="5047" />
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<card id="167083" file="card_167083.xml" marked="false" name="Institute IRIS Intermedia" owner="5047" />
<card id="25802" file="card_25802.xml" marked="false" name="Language Language Systems FOR" owner="5047" />
<card id="26728" file="card_26728.xml" marked="false" name="Bell LASER‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="297793" file="card_297793.xml" marked="false" name="VIA, LessonCard‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="27932" file="card_27932.xml" marked="false" name="Information LEVEL5/Macintosh" owner="5047" />
<card id="205863" file="card_205863.xml" marked="false" name="Apple Mac-to-VAX Integration " owner="5047" />
<card id="99389" file="card_99389.xml" marked="false" name="Excel MacAnalyst & MacDesigne" owner="5047" />
<card id="208576" file="card_208576.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MacApp 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="234129" file="card_234129.xml" marked="false" name="MacApp MacApp Developers Asso" owner="5047" />
<card id="209746" file="card_209746.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MacAPPC" owner="5047" />
<card id="93227" file="card_93227.xml" marked="false" name="StarSys, MacBubbles 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="100741" file="card_100741.xml" marked="false" name="Spectral MacDSP Array Process" owner="5047" />
<card id="94452" file="card_94452.xml" marked="false" name="ALSoft, MacExpress" owner="5047" />
<card id="101882" file="card_101882.xml" marked="false" name="Mainstay MacFlow 3.5" owner="5047" />
<card id="34669" file="card_34669.xml" marked="false" name="MacForth MacForth Plus" owner="5047" />
<card id="60697" file="card_60697.xml" marked="false" name="Absoft MacFortran® II" owner="5047" />
<card id="103157" file="card_103157.xml" marked="false" name="Holder, MacInterface®" owner="5047" />
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<card id="232092" file="card_232092.xml" marked="false" name="Bear Macintosh Technical Trai" owner="5047" />
<card id="192406" file="card_192406.xml" marked="false" name="UniPress MacNIX" owner="5047" />
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<card id="76459" file="card_76459.xml" marked="false" name="Quintus MacProlog++" owner="5047" />
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<card id="62078" file="card_62078.xml" marked="false" name="Automatix, MacRAIL" owner="5047" />
<card id="276375" file="card_276375.xml" marked="true" name="Farallon MacRecorder® Sound S" owner="5047" />
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<card id="130745" file="card_130745.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MacsBug" owner="5047" />
<card id="35839" file="card_35839.xml" marked="false" name="Lightship MacScheme+Toolsmith" owner="5047" />
<card id="122158" file="card_122158.xml" marked="false" name="Suick MacShell and Command So" owner="5047" />
<card id="210807" file="card_210807.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MacTCP" owner="5047" />
<card id="235475" file="card_235475.xml" marked="false" name="TechAlliance MacTech Quarterl" owner="5047" />
<card id="37695" file="card_37695.xml" marked="false" name="DCM Mactran Plus 4.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="236379" file="card_236379.xml" marked="false" name="MACTUTOR MacTutor" owner="5047" />
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<card id="274253" file="card_274253.xml" marked="false" name="ExperTelligence, microExplore" owner="5047" />
<card id="64506" file="card_64506.xml" marked="false" name="Microsoft Microsoft QuickBASI" owner="5047" />
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<card id="57352" file="card_57352.xml" marked="false" name="Metrowerks, Modula-2 Professi" owner="5047" />
<card id="38841" file="card_38841.xml" marked="false" name="ana Modula-2/68 for A/UX" owner="5047" />
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<card id="399090" file="card_399090.xml" marked="false" name="Truevision, Movie and Capture" owner="5047" />
<card id="65750" file="card_65750.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MPW Assembler" owner="5047" />
<card id="68508" file="card_68508.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MPW C" owner="5047" />
<card id="8363" file="card_8363.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MPW C++" owner="5047" />
<card id="69707" file="card_69707.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MPW Development Environ" owner="5047" />
<card id="67023" file="card_67023.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MPW IIGS Cross-Developm" owner="5047" />
<card id="39746" file="card_39746.xml" marked="false" name="Torque MPW Linda C" owner="5047" />
<card id="215835" file="card_215835.xml" marked="false" name="Apple MPW Object Pascal" owner="5047" />
<card id="224017" file="card_224017.xml" marked="false" name="Natural Natural Language‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="171353" file="card_171353.xml" marked="false" name="Softstream Network HyperHIT 1" owner="5047" />
<card id="172416" file="card_172416.xml" marked="false" name="Neu NeuGraf Externals: QuickD" owner="5047" />
<card id="70999" file="card_70999.xml" marked="false" name="Neuron NEXPERT OBJECT" owner="5047" />
<card id="193688" file="card_193688.xml" marked="false" name="NKR NKR BASIC Compiler" owner="5047" />
<card id="194663" file="card_194663.xml" marked="false" name="NKR NKR BASIC Interpreter" owner="5047" />
<card id="195825" file="card_195825.xml" marked="false" name="NKR NKR FORTRAN Compiler" owner="5047" />
<card id="196710" file="card_196710.xml" marked="false" name="NKR NKR GW Converter" owner="5047" />
<card id="41803" file="card_41803.xml" marked="false" name="Oasys Oasys 88K Tools — 88000" owner="5047" />
<card id="40799" file="card_40799.xml" marked="false" name="Oasys Oasys 88K Tools — Compi" owner="5047" />
<card id="42988" file="card_42988.xml" marked="false" name="Oasys Oasys 88K Tools — Oasys" owner="5047" />
<card id="43819" file="card_43819.xml" marked="false" name="Oasys Oasys Green Hills C++ C" owner="5047" />
<card id="44842" file="card_44842.xml" marked="false" name="Oasys Oasys UDB — Universal R" owner="5047" />
<card id="226370" file="card_226370.xml" marked="false" name="Paradigm Object Logo" owner="5047" />
<card id="217111" file="card_217111.xml" marked="false" name="ParcPlace® Objectworks for Sm" owner="5047" />
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<card id="135850" file="card_135850.xml" marked="false" name="Oracle ORACLE® for 4th DIMENS" owner="5047" />
<card id="136807" file="card_136807.xml" marked="false" name="Oracle ORACLE® for Macintosh" owner="5047" />
<card id="313980" file="card_313980.xml" marked="false" name="Silk PathFinder, the Automate" owner="5047" />
<card id="72171" file="card_72171.xml" marked="false" name="Pterodactyl PCMacBasic Compil" owner="5047" />
<card id="254570" file="card_254570.xml" marked="false" name="BMUG, PD ROM II" owner="5047" />
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<card id="124287" file="card_124287.xml" marked="false" name="Palomar PICT Detective — Symb" owner="5047" />
<card id="125302" file="card_125302.xml" marked="false" name="Cheshire PinPoint Error Repor" owner="5047" />
<card id="126450" file="card_126450.xml" marked="false" name="Lincoln PostShow — PostScript" owner="5047" />
<card id="127307" file="card_127307.xml" marked="false" name="Evatac Preditor 1.1" owner="5047" />
<card id="46016" file="card_46016.xml" marked="false" name="Procyon Procyon Common Lisp" owner="5047" />
<card id="134500" file="card_134500.xml" marked="false" name="Aladdin Programmer’s Assistan" owner="5047" />
<card id="239435" file="card_239435.xml" marked="false" name="VectorSystems/MicroConcepts P" owner="5047" />
<card id="218475" file="card_218475.xml" marked="false" name="TGS Prograph‚Ñ¢ 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="138222" file="card_138222.xml" marked="false" name="Grammar PROMICE" owner="5047" />
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<card id="139301" file="card_139301.xml" marked="false" name="Paragon QUED/M‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="285057" file="card_285057.xml" marked="false" name="Heizer RecordIt!‚Ñ¢ - The Scrip" owner="5047" />
<card id="173685" file="card_173685.xml" marked="false" name="Softstream Relational HyperHI" owner="5047" />
<card id="243574" file="card_243574.xml" marked="false" name="Nine Reports‚Ñ¢ 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="132072" file="card_132072.xml" marked="false" name="Apple ResEdit‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="140714" file="card_140714.xml" marked="false" name="Mathemæsthetics, Resorcerer" owner="5047" />
<card id="249971" file="card_249971.xml" marked="false" name="Bliss Resource Navigator" owner="5047" />
<card id="197814" file="card_197814.xml" marked="false" name="Ryan-McFarland/Liant RM/COBOL" owner="5047" />
<card id="141835" file="card_141835.xml" marked="false" name="Apple SADE" owner="5047" />
<card id="252052" file="card_252052.xml" marked="false" name="Bliss Script Dumper 1.11" owner="5047" />
<card id="289130" file="card_289130.xml" marked="false" name="Hyperpress Script Expert" owner="5047" />
<card id="290100" file="card_290100.xml" marked="false" name="Hyperpress Script Library" owner="5047" />
<card id="321768" file="card_321768.xml" marked="false" name="Somak ScriptEdit‚Ñ¢ 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="143193" file="card_143193.xml" marked="false" name="Arborworks, SCSITool" owner="5047" />
<card id="327731" file="card_327731.xml" marked="false" name="Techgnosis, SequeLink‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="329006" file="card_329006.xml" marked="false" name="Techgnosis, SequeLink Engine‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="214538" file="card_214538.xml" marked="false" name="Serius Serius Developer‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="95290" file="card_95290.xml" marked="false" name="XA Silverrun–DFD" owner="5047" />
<card id="222031" file="card_222031.xml" marked="false" name="XA Silverrun–ERM" owner="5047" />
<card id="97427" file="card_97427.xml" marked="false" name="XA Silverrun–LDM" owner="5047" />
<card id="98486" file="card_98486.xml" marked="false" name="XA Silverrun–SRL" owner="5047" />
<card id="233105" file="card_233105.xml" marked="false" name="Bear Software Development Ser" owner="5047" />
<card id="266018" file="card_266018.xml" marked="true" name="Digidesign, Sound Tools‚Ñ¢ Digi" owner="5047" />
<card id="240592" file="card_240592.xml" marked="false" name="Bear Source Code Tutorial (C " owner="5047" />
<card id="322679" file="card_322679.xml" marked="true" name="Spinnaker Spinnaker PLUS 2.0‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="334424" file="card_334424.xml" marked="true" name="Trendware Stack Cleaner‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="174845" file="card_174845.xml" marked="false" name="Symmetry StackDA" owner="5047" />
<card id="301712" file="card_301712.xml" marked="true" name="Manor StackMate‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="291172" file="card_291172.xml" marked="false" name="Hyperpress StepAhead " owner="5047" />
<card id="237401" file="card_237401.xml" marked="false" name="Stonecutter Stonecutter Softw" owner="5047" />
<card id="268361" file="card_268361.xml" marked="false" name="Eastgate StorySpace‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="144585" file="card_144585.xml" marked="false" name="Aladdin StuffIt Installers" owner="5047" />
<card id="178896" file="card_178896.xml" marked="false" name="Silicon SuperCard 1.5" owner="5047" />
<card id="295792" file="card_295792.xml" marked="false" name="KnowledgeSet SuperKRS + Super" owner="5047" />
<card id="48264" file="card_48264.xml" marked="false" name="Symbolics, Symbolics MacIvory" owner="5047" />
<card id="219730" file="card_219730.xml" marked="false" name="Novell, TCPort Developers Kit" owner="5047" />
<card id="221062" file="card_221062.xml" marked="false" name="Ramsay telnet•PM" owner="5047" />
<card id="145898" file="card_145898.xml" marked="false" name="Jasik The Debugger V2 & MacNo" owner="5047" />
<card id="92413" file="card_92413.xml" marked="false" name="The The Hunk Manager" owner="5047" />
<card id="77729" file="card_77729.xml" marked="false" name="Symantec THINK C‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="78928" file="card_78928.xml" marked="false" name="Symantec THINK Pascal‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="147016" file="card_147016.xml" marked="false" name="ICOM TMON‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="106550" file="card_106550.xml" marked="false" name="Kaetron TopDown® 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="320733" file="card_320733.xml" marked="true" name="Softouch Total Quality Manage" owner="5047" />
<card id="335707" file="card_335707.xml" marked="true" name="Trendware Trendware XCAL‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="80152" file="card_80152.xml" marked="false" name="True True BASIC" owner="5047" />
<card id="112099" file="card_112099.xml" marked="false" name="StructSoft, TurboCASE‚Ñ¢ 2.0" owner="5047" />
<card id="128362" file="card_128362.xml" marked="false" name="Sunflower TxxT" owner="5047" />
<card id="181380" file="card_181380.xml" marked="false" name="Videomedia, V-LAN‚Ñ¢ Universal " owner="5047" />
<card id="49383" file="card_49383.xml" marked="false" name="VectorSystems/MicroConcepts V" owner="5047" />
<card id="50381" file="card_50381.xml" marked="false" name="Paradigm Verbum‚Ñ¢ Development " owner="5047" />
<card id="155269" file="card_155269.xml" marked="false" name="HyperPro, VideoAuthor‚Ñ¢" owner="5047" />
<card id="180137" file="card_180137.xml" marked="false" name="The Voyager Multimedia Toolki" owner="5047" />
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